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Problèmes connu sur la GTI MK5 et solutions...

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Voila une liste non exhaustive des problèmes connu sur la golf 5 et réportorié d'après les problèmes rencontrés par nos membres et nous même :

1: Joints de portes qui ce décolles.

Solution : Il faut changer tous les joints et surtout bien enlever la colle restée sur la porte.

2: Essuie glace arrière qui déconne. ( S'enclenche parfois tout seul sans s'arrêté même sans avoir enclenché les essuie glace ).

Solution : Changer le moteur d'essuie glace arrière, une mise à jour du soft ne sert a rien du tout. ( Il semblerai que sa soit un problème sur certain moteur avec le module électronique reliée au CAN-BUS)

3: Essuie Glace automatique trop sensible et allumage des feux automatique qui déconne .

Solution: Changer le capteur de luminosité, la mise à jour du soft ne sert à rien.

4: Régulateur de vitesse (ou tempomat) qui ne marche pas toujours.

Solution: Changer le comodo gauche ou ce trouve les boutons du régulateur de vitesse.

5: Volant pas droit il est un peu trop tourné vers la gauche.

Solution: passer chez votre concessionnaire pour le faire remettre droit en réglant la géométrie de la direction ce problème touche 50 a 70% de véhicule vw audi

6: Climatronic qui déconne.

Solution : essayer de faire un reset de la climatronic comme expliquer dans truc et astuces

7: Radio RCD300, le CD reste bloqué.

Solution: Enlever le fusible de la radio qui ce trouve dans le compartiment moteur un moment puis le rebrancher.

8: Buée dans les feux avant, VW a donné comme consigne de ne pas changer les feux.

Solution: Gueuler ches son concessionnaire pour qu'il change le ou les feux.

9: Buée dans le 3éme feux de stop .

Solution: Ce problème arrive sur la plupars des Golf 5 GTI, malgré le changement de feux sa ne change rien, le problème doit venir de la conception, donc avant de remonter le feux de stop, demander à votre garage qu'il l'étanchéifie avec du silicone ou un produit du même type.

10: Rétros électrique qui ce bloque par moment.

Solution: Faire une mise à jour du soft par votre garage.

11: Vibrations dans la banquette arrière.

Solution: Non connue pour l'instant.

12: Usure prononcée des pneus avant.

Solution: Régler la géométrie et faire changer les pneus sous garantie.

13: Commande au volant qui se bloque, vous voulez changer de titre à votre CD et plus rien, vous êtes obligé de refaire le tour complet des menu pour que sa remarche. Chose également constatée en ouvrant et en refermant la porte conducteur les commandes refonctionnes un moment.
Ce problème est aléatoire.

Solution: Le problème semble être réglé en remplacant un élement électronique dans le volant.

14: Lors d'un lavage au jet de l'humidité passe un peu à l'intérieur et fini par pourrir sur les joints (Formation de mousse blanche par endroit.)

Solution : Non connue exactement pour l'instant mais la solution la plus probable et de changer les joints.

15: compresseur de climatisation qui ne fonctionne plus ! ce problème arrive très souvent ! a durée de vie du compresseur d'origine ce situe a env 100 000km

solution : changeur le compresseur par le garage et faire impérativement une demande de prise en garantie car le prix de la réparation est élevé (env 1400 a 1600frs)

Si vous connaissez d'autre problèmes faites en part sur le forum ou par MP au Admin SVP de notre coté nous allons faire des recherches encore plus poussées chez les concessionnaire et sur le net

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voici également une liste des principaux problèmes rencontrés sur le moteur 2L TFSI 200ch.
Le lien est sur le forum :
C'est en anglais mais c'est très interressant.

1. Diverter valve failure
2. PCV failure
3. Broken intake ducting
4. Cam lobe wear
5. High pressure fuel pump failure
6. Air conditioning does not work
7. Tumble flap failure
8. Cold start problems
9. Misfires
10. Low Fuel Pressure Sensor Failure

1. Diverter valve failure

The stock diverter valve (dv) is prone to failure, whether chipped or stock. The diaphragm is prone to tearing (the orange shown in the pic of the stock dv (in the middle) below-may be a different color depending on the version of dv you have.)

-A failing diverter valve will generally lose boost.
-The boost can be checked either via a boost gauge, or the vag-com (mb 115). You will see a huge drop in boost when the dv goes bad.
-Pin-hole DV failures usually allow boost to spike, but will then suddenly vent boost.
Tearing in the DV usually only allows 6-7 PSI. Boost will not spike.
-You may see 000665 - Boost Pressure Regulation: Control Range Not Reached
p0299 - 002 - Lower Limit Exceeded - Intermittent
-Alternatively, you can remove the dv, and inspect the diaphragm for tears. It is held onto the compressor housing by three bolts:

-You can replace it with the stock dv, vw #06F 145 710 C. This is the latest dv as of this post, however, many people have also seen failures with the “C” dv. VW is also supposedly coming out with a “G” dv, part # 06F-145-710-G, though it is not officially released as of this post.
-You can upgrade to the Forge DV #fmfsitv. Pics of the Forge DV are shown above.

2. Positive Crankcase Ventilation failure

The positive crankcase ventilation is supposed to let gases get sucked from the crankcase to the intake manifold when under vacuum. The problem is, when the pcv system fails, and allows positive pressure (boost) to go from the intake manifold back into the crankcase.

The latest PCV is the “G” version. To see which version you have, take a small mirror, and stick it under the pcv valve. The last letter identifies the revision (“E” is shown below). The part # is under the round section:

-Typically you will see a slight drop in boost pressure. When my pcv failed, I saw a 2 psi drop across the board.
-Some oil will be pushed out through the oil filler cap, and onto the valve cover, and may possibly go towards the coil packs. There may also be some oil on the bottom side of the engine cover, where the oil filler cap is.
-There might be a slight decrease in MPG.
-Rear PCV failure usually results in oil accumulation around the DV, and will produce a little blue oil smoke at WOT applications.

-There is the Digitalhippie fix which puts a check valve into the line from the crankcase to the intake manifold. For those who want a spare of the hose where the check valve is installed, the part number is 06F 103 221 F. You can read more about it here:
-You can also upgrade to the latest PCV “G” valve. There have been very few failures reported with this PCV. Please verify the PCV you have before upgrading.
Part numbers for this upgrade:
PCV valve cover assembly: 06F 129 101 G
PCV valve cover gasket: 06F 103 483 E
PCV valve cover to turbo hose: 06F 103 215 A
PCV tube to turbo metal gasket: 06F 145 757 F

-If you did the DH pcv fix, and you have a rear pcv failure, then you will need to change the tube labeled as "Exhaust turbocharged gas outlet" showin in the pic above. the Part #'s are the last two shown above (06F 103 215 A & 06F 145 757 F)

3. Broken intake ducting

Some people have reported that part of the intake ducting that connects to the stock engine (the part in front of the accordion section) breaks off and gets lost, or worst, gets stuck and/or shredded by the fan. Due to its location, the loss in power should be minimal.

-You may notice that part of the ducting is missing.
-You may see shreds of the ducting in and around the fan.
-You may see the coolant temps rising possibly due to a part of the intake ducting getting stuck and not allowing the fan to turn. If the coolant gauge goes into the red, then immediately shut the engine off, and check to see if the fan is operating.

-If the fan is damaged, then you may need a new fan.
-An aftermarket intake will replace the ducting section, and is a possibly solution.
-You might be able to tape or epoxy the sections together, so that it will make them harder to come apart. You may also remove the top piece alltogether.

4. Cam lobe wear

Excessive wear of intake camshaft lobe that drives the high pressure fuel pump. The wear limits maximum pump piston lift, causing fuel rail pressure fluctuations. The intake cam drives the fuel pump:

Please see also #5 below.

-Fuel cut-out when driving, esp. under WOT.
-Fuel cut-out symptoms range from soft pulsations of power to long-pulse bucking while in high-gear high-load situations (high gear at WOT, or up a grade). MIL may flash if cut-out is severe. Car will also go into hard-limp (no boost, 4500RPM limit) if severe enough.
-P0087 Fuel Rail / System Pressure - Too Low
-P1093 Fuel Trim 2, Bank 1 Malfunction
-P2293 Fuel Pressure Regulator 2 Performance

Increase surface hardening of camshaft lobe for the high pressure fuel pump. Improved intake camshafts have Part No. 06F109101B. Refer to TSB# 15 07 04

5. High pressure fuel pump failure

The high pressure fuel pump sometimes is not able to supply enough fuel, especially at low to mid range RPMs because it is cam driven. Please note that the high pressure fuel pump is different than the in-tank fuel pump. Please see also #4 above.

-Fuel cut-out when driving, esp. under WOT.
-You may see the following DTC
004767 - Low-Pressure Fuel Pressure Regulation: Pressure too High
P129F - 001 - Upper Limit Exceeded - MIL ON

-If you are chipped, then try to put the car in stock mode to see if the fuel cuts will stop. If it does, then you might want to wait until a fuel pump solution comes out. APR and Autotech are currently working on solutions.
-If you are stock, then it is possible that you have a bad fuel pump. The dealer should replace this under warranty.

6. Air conditioning does not work

The air conditioners manuf. By Zelex and Valeo tend to fail. They can be identified by the pulley:

- Air conditioning does not cool, air conditioning compressor may seize.

- On the 2.0T engine a new Sanden compressor Part No: 1K0820803 index S must be installed. Refer to ETKA for the latest part # for the other engines. This should be covered under warranty.

7. Tumble flap failure

The tumble flap motor is prone to failure. This is probably the most common problem I’ve seen when scanning cars with the vag-com. A little background on how the tumble flap works:


You may see the following DTC’s
-012599 - Intake Manifold Runner Control: Basic Setting not Completed
P3137 - 001 - Upper Limit Exceeded – Intermittent
-012691 - Intake Manifold Runner Control: Open Stop outside of Valid Range
P3193 - 002 - Lower Limit Exceeded - Intermittent
-008196 - Intake Manifold Flap; Bank 1: Stuck Open
P2004 - 008 - Implausible Signal - Intermittent
- 012600 - Intake Manifold Runner Control: Regulation Deviation
P3138 - 008 - Implausible Signal - MIL ON

Solution: The intake manifold flap motor needs to be replaced.

8. Cold Start Problems

Background/Symptom: Troubles starting car when cold

-Some people have reported that it was related to a certain gas, so maybe try a different gas station/company.
-Get the latest software reflash.
-Could also be a bad coil pack.

9. Misfires

-Misfiring either under idle or under boost.
-Scan for DTC’s. See which cylinder is misfiring, and swap coils and or plugs to see if the misfire follows.
-Coil pack misfire (non-fire, lol) symptoms are shorter duration, rather violent, and also result in backfires from unburnt fuel entering the exhaust system. The MIL usually starts flashing. Car may or may not go into limp.

-Replace coils and/or plugs
-Could be a bad fuel injector

10. Low Fuel Pressure Sensor Failure

You may get the following DTC’s:
012555 - Low Pressure Fuel regulation: Fuel Pressure Outside Specification
P310B - 008 - Implausible Signal - Intermittent - MIL ON

004767 - Low-Pressure Fuel Pressure Regulation: Pressure too High
P129F - 001 - Upper Limit Exceeded – Intermittent

-The first symptom is typically stalling when first starting the car cold.
-Typically, the problem gets worse, and can lead to fuel cutouts at almost any rpm and/or car stalling/running lean/rich

Solution: Replace low fuel pressure sensor (thurst sensor), vw part #06E906051J
Sometimes, the high pressure fuel pump will be replaced at the same time (#1 in pic below)

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