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Ford even

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CossieGirl a écrit:
Some of my pics ?

CossieGirl a écrit:

CossieGirl a écrit:

CossieGirl a écrit:

CossieGirl a écrit:

CossieGirl a écrit:
Also participated in the EsCos concours.
We got a second place which is not bad considering it was our first time ??

RST Appie a écrit:
A few of pics of Landgraaf 2007 Very Happy

A very clean S1

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RSwagoneer a écrit:
And here some pics I took

Early in the morning

In the traffic jam, but who cares with this sight in yer rearview mirror

I'm not really into Oldskool, but this I like.... a lot

Extreme focus, not my kind of thing. But it building quality was spotless

Some visitors from far away, always thought that those French only drove french cars , nice to see they don't all do ?

Nice logo

Well, guess what car this is Mr.Red:

A single clue then Mr.Red:

There was also a slalom and sprint .

Nice XR3Ti

Nice Anglia

And the weirdest thing was this Cosworth Limo :woaw:



cossiemen a écrit:
Here a few examples of my pics ?

Location: Megaland Landgraaf - Holland | Date: Sunday 09 september 2007 | Photographer: Kurt De Laet aka cossiemen | Camera: Pentax K10d

More pictures @ European Ford Event.

High-res photo's available, pm or email me.

- The End -

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merci pr les photos, la sierra limousine mérite d'être sur la page d'accueil du forum^^ fumette

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j'ai loupé une truc de barge la

mais l'année prochaine je vait en angleterre jap

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C'est fait expres d'avoir mis le moteur d'une superbe mk1 rouge. On me cherche ou quoi vous voulez que je fasse mieux? Ben si j'arrive à ce résultat, j'y touche même plus à ma voiture de peur de l'abimer ! rouler
Ils peuvent pas la refabriquer chez ford. Ca m'arrangerait

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Sympa les photos , au passage le F150 serie H-D fait quand meme 450 CV pas mal pour un pick-up !

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