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Marina de Lacrowe

Good morning to all the members

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Good morning to all the members of this young sport forum. My name is Marina de Lacrowe, are a girl's passionate Italian F1 since childhood. Thanks to my dad I started to learn about the world of motorsport and what it brings. I have to thank Mr. Enrimores for giving me kindly invited to participate in your forum. Sometimes I used to create my own article on the F1 of the past, the one I like best. Sorry for writing in English but I have great difficulty with the French, although I use a translator I think I will need time to talk to any of you.

A friendly greeting, Marina de Lacrowe

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Hello MARINA very happy to see a F1 fan girl with us. We try to get easy with translation and welcome.

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Welcome Marina,

I should rather greet you in Italian? I am pleased that new Member other countries join forces with us to the same passion.
Do not hesitate to give your opinion on any subject, whether in English or in Italian no problem, there is always someone to help you.

Circle of friends.


Marina benvenuta,

Piuttosto dovrei salutarvi in italiano? Sono lieto che nuovi membri aderire altri paesi le forze con noi per la stessa passione.
Non esitate a dare la tua opinione su qualsiasi argomento, sia in inglese o in italiano nessun problema, c'è sempre qualcuno per aiutarti.

Cerchia di amici.


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c'est toujours un plaisir de recevoir un nouveau membre, mais dans ton cas c'est un plaisir de recevoir une amatrice de formule 1 ancienne.
hélas je ne parle pas l'anglais mais soit la bienvenue.

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FR: Merci pour l'acceptation chaude de moi reçu. Je suis une fille avec le passe-temps de la composition graphique, et je viens d'un portail dans lequel je prends plaisir de convertir les voitures 3D de F1 pour la rFactor simulateur. Parfois, mon imagination me amène à créer à court sujet sur la curiosité des voitures de F1 inédits ou liés à la rFactor simulateur. Cependant, je vais essayer aussi à exprimer une opinion sur ce qu'ils lisent sur ce portail. L'utilisation d'un traducteur est ma meilleure solution pour que je puisse partager cette passion, non seulement pour les hommes.

EN: Thanks for the warm acceptance of me received. I am a girl with the hobby of graphic composition, and I come from a portal in which I delight to convert 3D F1 cars for the simulator rFactor. Sometimes my imagination leads me to create short topic on the curiosity of F1 cars unpublished or related to the simulator rFactor. However I will try also to express some opinion on what they read on this portal. The use of a translator is my best solution so that I can share this passion, not only for men.

Marina de Lacrowe

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Bienvenue à toi marina dans ce cercle de copains, j’espère que ça te plaira.

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