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Nouvelle caisse de Taniguchi !!! [Photo]

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Nobuteru Taniguchi is said to return to the D1 this year. He will do a few rounds because of his busy schedule in other racing departments. HKS has updated his Altezza with new graphics and probably with some new engine parts.

Il y a des propos sur son retour en D1.

The car is pushing out 600ps thanks to a 2.2 litre stroker kit made by HKS and a GT3037 Turbo. They have gutted the car and now it has a weight just shy of 1100kg. That’s 400kg lighter than a standard model, an amazing achievement.

The first round where NOB will make his debut will be on the 26th and 27th of April. D1GP will then go the Fuji Speedway.



Le blog de NOB en jap Very Happy


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