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bonjour a tous voilà je viens de recevoir un mail de forge motorsport en anglais j'ai essayé de traduire meme avec le traducteur voilà mais je comprends pas grand chose. si il y aurait une âme charitable pour me dire en gros ce qu'il y a de marqué je demande pas la traduction complète.

le message:

Thank you for your order placed online which is now being processed.

As per your Order Receipt this email is to advise you of the packaging and delivery costs that will be applied at the time the goods are despatched.

This cost will be £20.00

You may cancel your Forge Motorsport order at any stage before the goods are dispatched to you, However we reserve the right to charge for any expenses incurred in the processing of your order .If you wish to cancel your order you can either phone us on +44(0)1452 380999 (lines are open 8am - 4-30pm weekdays) or email us on

In some cases we may be unable to prevent your order from being dispatched to you. In this case we will arrange for your order to be collected at your convenience (see our returns and refunds policy).

To view are terms and conditions please see

We would like you to know that we appreciate
your business and thank you for giving us the opportunity of being of


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Thank you for your order placed online which is now being processed.

Merci pour votre commande en ligne qui est desormais mise en cours de production

As per your Order Receipt this email is to advise you of the packaging and delivery costs that will be applied at the time the goods are despatched.
This cost will be £20.00

Les couts d'emballage et livraisons facturés au moment de l'expé sont de 20 £

You may cancel your Forge Motorsport order at any stage before the goods are dispatched to you, However we reserve the right to charge for any expenses incurred in the processing of your order .If you wish to cancel your order you can either phone us on +44(0)1452 380999 (lines are open 8am - 4-30pm weekdays) or email us on

vous pouvez annuler votre commande n'importe qaund jusqu'au moment de l'expédition
pour annuler il faut appeler le .. ( de 8h du mat a 16h30) ou faire un e mail a ...

In some cases we may be unable to prevent your order from being dispatched to you. In this case we will arrange for your order to be collected at your convenience (see our returns and refunds policy).

dans certain cas nous pouvons etre incapable d'annuler l'envoi. Dans ce cas nous trouverons un arrangement pour le retour des marchandises a votre convenance (voir les conditions de retour)

To view are terms and conditions please see

cliquer ce lien pour les conditions generales

We would like you to know that we appreciate
your business and thank you for giving us the opportunity of being of

Nous apprecions bla bla bla bla bla mdr


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ok merci uranie, je pensais qu'il fallait que je renvoie un mail pour confirmer la commande j'ai bien fait de demander avant.

merci beaucoup great

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